Text Manipulation Tools

Simple, single task, browser based, text manipulation tools.
Basic Text Tools:
Add Prefix/Suffix into Line - Insert a prefix and/or suffix into the content of each line.
Add/Remove Line Breaks - Add new line breaks and/or remove exisiting line breaks within your text's formatting.
Count Characters, Words, Lines - Count your text's characters, words, sentences, lines and word frequency.
Delimited Column Extractor - Extract a specific column of delimited text from each line of your input text.
Find and Replace Text - Find and replace text matching your search criteria.
Letter Case Converter - Convert your text's letter case to UPPER, lower, RaNdOM and more.
Merge Text (Line by Line) - Merge two sets of text line by line with the option of writing a prefix, divider or suffix into each merged line.
Remove Duplicate Lines - Remove/delete all duplicate lines within your text/list.
Remove Empty Lines - Remove/delete all empty lines within your text/list.
Remove Extra Spaces - Remove leading/trailing/extra/all whitespaces from your text.
Remove Letter Accents - Remove common letter accents from your text. (e.g. à will convert into a)
Remove Lines Containing... - Remove lines containing or not containing your specified search text.
Sort Text Lines - Sort your text's lines in alphabetical, length, random or reverse order.
Format Tools:
ASCII to Unicode Converter - Convert plain text into decimal/hex unicode formats.
Obfuscation Tools:
Binary Code Translator - Obfuscate text by encoding it into the 0s and 1s of binary code. Very geeky!
Disemvowel Tool - Remove vowels "aeiou" or any other set of letters from text.
Encryption Generator - Encrypt/decrypt text via password using Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) and base64.
Reverse Text Generator - Reverse text, flip text, reverse wording, flip wording, reverse each word's lettering, flip letters upside down.
ROT13 Caesar Cipher - Encrypt plaintext into ROT13 ciphertext or decrypt ROT13 ciphertext into plaintext.
Word Scrambler/Unscrambler - Scramble/unscramble each word's lettering within a body of text.
Randomization Tools:
Random Line Picker - Pick random lines from your input text/list. Lines can contain names, numbers, etc.
Random Number Generator - Generate random numbers from your entered low/high range with prefix, suffix and delimiter options.
Random String Generator - Generate random text string(s) from your entered input elements such as characters, words, sentences, etc.
String Randomizer - Randomize strings within line breaks or specified delimiter.
Combination / Permutation Tools:
Combination Generator - Make all combinations of text.
Line Combination Generator - Combine text lines from left to right.
Permutation Generator - Make permutations from text. (Letters, numbers, symbols, words, sentences, etc.)
Numeration Tools:
Generate List of Numbers - Generate a list of sequential numbers from your selected low/high number range.
Number Each Line - Add a sequential number to each line of text. Enumerate items within a list.
Online Tally Counter - Count using multiple, indepently named tallies.
All-in-One Tool:
Text Manipulation Notepad - Manipulate plain text without cutting-n-pasting between multiple tools.