Tool: ROT13 Caesar Cipher
Enter your plaintext or ROT13 ciphertext here and click the "ROT13 Encode/Decode" button above. Each letter (A-Z, a-z) will be shifted upward by 13 places, thus "a" will become "n" and "n" will become "a". All other characters (i.e. numbers, punctuation and extended ascii characters) are not processed and will remain in their original positions. Test by clicking the "Encode/Decode ROT13" button above to encode this default text into ROT13 ciphertext. Then click the "Encode/Decode ROT13" button again to decode the ROT13 ciphertext back into the original plaintext. WARNING: ROT13 encryption is obfuscated but not secure, use for entertainment purposes only. (i.e. obfuscated webpage text, games, etc.) Privacy of Data: This tool is built-with and functions-in Client Side JavaScripting, so only your computer will see or process your data input/output.
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