Tool: Random Line Picker
lines remain.
Input Box Enter your list for random picking with each item/name on a new line. Each click of the "Pick Random Line" button will randomly select a line and sequentially display it within the picked box below. Picked lines will be automatically removed from this input box and current line count will display in the "lines remain." box below. Click "Clear Current Picks" to clear the current picks. Click "Shuffle Input" to randomly shuffle input box line order. Text with items separated by commas, spaces, etc. can be converted into line breaks using the "Add/Remove Line Breaks" tool.
Number picks.
Picked Box Your random picks will display here. Test picking a random line by clicking "Pick Random Line" and watch a line of default input text appear in this picked box. Picked items can be printed by clicking the "Print Picks" button above. NOTICE: Tool uses Javascript method Math.random() pseudorandom number generator to obtain pick. Do not use for critical random results. Privacy of Data: This tool is built-with and functions-in Client Side JavaScripting, so only your computer will see or process your data input/output.
Tools provided as-is, without warranty of any kind and used at your own risk. ©2015